Modern Security Services PVT, LTD

For All Your Security Requirements

ISO 9001:2015

Dedicated to Quality Services

Contact Us

The locations and contact details of our branches are as follows:

Hover (or click) on the live locations to get contact information 😉

325 Samora Machel Ave,
Eastlea, Harare
242-494057 / 497523
0712 412 264

11 Robert Mugabe way, Bulawayo


0777 018 734

54,5th Street, Mutare

0773 401 186

96 – 10th Street, Gweru

(+263 542) 22 9211

Stand 139, Masvingo Agricultural Showground, Masvingo

0774 062 889

313 Bulawayo Rd, Kadoma


3477 Hull Rd, Chinhoyi


0773 429 629

Stand No. 850 Light Industry, Bindura.

0775 202 701

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